Vision Therapy For Children in Toronto

It is proved that vision therapy is an effective treatment to solve vision development problems in school children. As a Behavioral Optometrist Toronto, I have worked with vision therapy and children with learning disabilities for over 20 years, and I have seen the effectiveness of the right techniques almost every day. But I am often asked whether vision therapy is effective for preschool children.

Vision therapy is a very effective tool to develop visual skills. It is far more about what we Optometrists are measuring rather than the child's actual performance, compared with the tedious and boring traditional eye exercises purely designed to increase eye coordination and focus skills. To get information about the most useful vision therapy for children visit

vision therapy for children

Time and effort should be invested in developing visual skills in vision therapy to help children overcome learning disabilities. It's not just about the eyes but developing real skills developed by vision therapy, including eye movements, focus, and eye coordination, visualization and recall, directionality, cross patterning, and other developmental areas like coding, sequencing, fine and gross motor, etc. 

Eye movements help children flow in their reading and stop misreading words or skipping lines, as well as ball sports. Focus and eye coordination help children concentrate and apply themselves to their school work.

Visualization and recall help children to effectively remember sight words and spelling, giving them a large vocabulary to help them to read. Directionality helps children with learning disabilities overcome reversals, writing letters back to front. Cross Patterning allows children to use both sides of their brain efficiently.

It has a huge impact on children who display learning disabilities. As for younger kids and preschoolers who may or may not be showing signs of deficiency, vision therapy is a highly effective tool in developing the visual skills that children may need to catch up and move ahead.