What Is The Difference Between Cosmetic Veneers And Cosmetic Dentistry?

These days not only are the number of choices for different types of modern dentistry mind-boggling but also the terminology associated has its own confusing language.

Two such terms that are often used in place of each other incorrectly are Cosmetic Veneers and Cosmetic Dentistry. You can get the treatment from the best dentist in Chelsea MA if required.

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There is a significant difference between the two in terms of respect to treatment and treatment planning.

Also, the advice you receive is dependent upon which aspect is relevant to your specific case. This is especially true if your cosmetic dentist at The Perfect Smile Studios is to design your Perfect Smile.

Cosmetic Veneers These are thin facings that cover only the surface of a tooth. Multiple teeth can be covered and they are often used in smile makeovers. Cosmetic veneers are also called Teeth Veneers and can be made of different materials such as hard plastics or more commonly porcelain.

Veneers are traditionally thin and hence the color of the underlying tooth matters to the final result. If your teeth are heavily discolored then alternative choices may need to be considered or clever masking techniques can be used.

The term "teeth veneers" has often been incorrectly used for ease of conversation to imply smile makeovers to multiple teeth. However, this is incorrect as smile makeovers can use multiple types of cosmetic treatments that all fall into the category of Cosmetic Dentistry.

Cosmetic Dentistry Your cosmetic dentist will be aware that cosmetic dentistry is a term that implies every type of dentistry that enhances your smile.

Cosmetic dentistry is used to create the perfect smile that is perfect in your eyes. It involves treatment planning by a cosmetic dentist after a thorough and detailed assessment and understanding of your teeth.