Points To Consider While Preparing Your Cat For Surgery

If your cat is about to undergo an upcoming operation, there may be a feeling of anxiety inside you. That's very natural. Whatever may be the reason behind having a surgery; there are many things you can do to ensure a safe recovery.

There will be a difference, obviously, between what you can and cannot do before an emergency operation versus a scheduled procedure told by Long Island pet expert. So, the things mentioned here are most meaningful if your cat has elective or non-elective surgery.

A cat cannot eat at least twelve hours before surgery. That means that you must take food dishes the night before the procedure. Most veterinarians will suggest that no food or snacks be given after six o'clock.

This helps reduce the possibility of aspiration – deep breathing – during or immediately after surgery. Because anesthesia does cause many cats to vomit, if the stomach is not emptied, special food brought during vomiting can be pulled into the lungs and cause very serious infections.

On the day of the procedure, make sure that you have an estimate of the operating costs from the veterinarian and also get a good picture of the timeline – how long the operation is expected, how long the cat is expected to stay in the hospital and when you should return to pick it up.