Swimming Lessons Is Essential For Life In Pickering

Swimming Lessons are a necessity in life. Teaching your child to swim is just as important as teaching your child to walk.

Drowning is the second leading cause of death in children under the age of 14, auto accidents are number one, so you can see how important it is that your child learns to swim at a very early age.

Children are very curious about water and are not able to understand the dangers. It is believed that most children drown quietly without splashing or calling for help when they find themselves in trouble in the water. Most children drown when an adult is nearby but was temporarily distracted.

A study was done in the Journal of Pediatrics in the relationship between the child's age and place of drowning. What they found was that babies most often drown in bathtubs when left unattended, even for a few minutes.

Toddlers drown most often in swimming pools or backyard ponds. Most children who drown in pools were last seen inside the home and had been out of sight for less than five minutes. Older children more often drown in large bodies of water such as lakes, rivers, and oceans.

As you can see from the statistics, swimming lessons are a key component to your child living a long healthy life. It is your duty as a parent to make sure your child learns how to swim. If you can't teach them, then you need to find somebody who can.